I heard a lot of belly aching around new years about all of the amazing humans who's lives were cut down by 2016. What a shock. People die. Thats what they do. The price of life is death, just be thankful it wasn't you. Also be thankful and pleasantly surprised a lot more people didn't die. Think about it: there are still 2 Beatles left, Bill Cosby, Robert Mugabe, David Suzuki, Keith Richards, both brothers from Oasis, and all kinds of old crusties still kicking.
Here at Degenerate Planet we thought we'd give thanks to 2016 for sparing some of our faves....
Its a bonified miracle that this motherfucker is still alive and KILLING IT. I saw the epic Sabbath show in Vancouver this year and not only could he sing he could actually SPEAK LEGIBLY between songs. I don't need to list the mans credentials here....he's a living legend. Ranked #56 on the celebrity death pool.
Why be thankful Sam from Cheers is still alive? I have no idea. I just like him. Don't forget he also played Gulliver and was on that HBO show. Also he went in black face to some academy thing with Woopie Goldberg. (Who is also still alive, dammit.)
How the hell is this motherfucker still breathing? According to him cognac is deadly, NOT heroin. Also if you eat a raw onion every day and drink Guiness you will live indefinitely.
How the hell is this motherfucker still breathing? According to him cognac is deadly, NOT heroin. Also if you eat a raw onion every day and drink Guiness you will live indefinitely.
“Look into the eyes of a chicken and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in the world.”― Werner Herzog
In a world that has recinded civil rights and feminism Gloria keeps on keeping on. I would have never payed much attention except that I saw her on Larry Sanders and became a fan. Recently heard a conversation between her and Elen Burnstyn that made me cry.
In a world that has recinded civil rights and feminism Gloria keeps on keeping on. I would have never payed much attention except that I saw her on Larry Sanders and became a fan. Recently heard a conversation between her and Elen Burnstyn that made me cry.
Nothing could kill the toughest man on earth. Even being beaten with a rotary phone by Joe Pesci.
Another season of Larry David before the Grim Reaper comes. Everyone pray with me now.
Another season of Larry David before the Grim Reaper comes. Everyone pray with me now.
I would mention Clint but he is such a cunt. I hope they get some pictures of him blowing a horse or Trump or something. Anyway, Ennio is a machine. Still churning out classics. And he invented my favourite genre of music.
I wish I could put a Golden Girl on this list but I can't so I put a Designing Woman on instead. She's not even my favourite but its no surprise that Annie Potts is still walking this planet. A plumper like Delta not dead from Dorito's and Oxycontin is more newsworthy....
I would mention Clint but he is such a cunt. I hope they get some pictures of him blowing a horse or Trump or something. Anyway, Ennio is a machine. Still churning out classics. And he invented my favourite genre of music.
I wish I could put a Golden Girl on this list but I can't so I put a Designing Woman on instead. She's not even my favourite but its no surprise that Annie Potts is still walking this planet. A plumper like Delta not dead from Dorito's and Oxycontin is more newsworthy....
Feel free to throw some honourable mentions in the comments....