Wednesday 1 June 2011


I haven't done any book suggestions for a bit cuz I've been geeking out on lord Of The Rings (for about the millionth time) and it's going a little slow. I don't need to tell anybody how great a book that is. I used to read it every year but I haven't done it since the movies came out.
In any case, I guess I'll mention a book I read a while ago. 'Travels with my Aunt' is a great read. It has everything you want from a good Graham Greene novel. The protaganist is this lame old banker who is retiring when he meets his old Aunt for the first time in 50 years. He takes a trip with her to Brighton and finds that she smuggles dope, sleeps with young black men and has way more fun than he does. Of course he's appalled at first but learns to crave the excitement she provides. it's pretty fucking hilarious and might even make you cry.
Also check out The Comedians,  The Power and the Glory and Our Man in Havana. Although all his stuff is pretty good.

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